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24/25 Kôr Audition Details and Sign Up

For our upcoming 2024/2025 season, Gracenote Vancouver is auditioning only for tenor, baritone, and bass voices in our mixed voice choir, Kôr. Please read the following info about our upcoming season and the audition process and then select an audition time slot below. 



Rehearsals: Weekly on Thursdays, 7-9pm. Redeemer Lutheran Church, 1499 Laurier Ave, Vancouver.

Experience: Singers in our choirs have a range of previous musical experience and music knowledge. Some folks have been singing in choirs for years, or studied music in post-secondary, others are joining a choir for the first time. Reading music is an asset, but not a requirement. 

Fees: Members of all choirs are required to pay a membership fee. These fees vary slightly each year but are usually around $500-$600 for the year. We offer an array of discounts and subsidies as we never want these fees to be a hinderance to singing with us.

Dates and Commitment: Our choir season runs from September to July. Our choirs require a full year commitment. It is expected that all members attend all rehearsals and performances. 


If these initial details work for your expectations and schedule please sign up for an audition timeslot below. We also encourage all auditioning folks to check out our website, Instagram, and Youtube to learn more about who we are and what we do. 


Auditions will be held on August 15th, 2024 at Redeemer Lutheran Church at 1499 Laurier Ave.  Auditions will be booked in 15 minute time-slots. Please arrive 5-10 minutes before your scheduled time. Please come prepared with a short excerpt (~1min) of an unaccompanied song of your choice.  The song may be in absolutely any style or language. Sing whatever feels good to you. We will do a brief warm up and range check, hear your song, and conclude with a chat to get to know you a little and go over a few season details.

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